Saturday, November 3, 2012

Amazing Book

I just finished a really amazing, and convicting book by Elizabeth George. It's called A Young Woman after God's Own Heart.
It describes the characteristics of a Woman after God's heart and explains how you can be a Young Woman after God's heart.
I took notes throughout the whole time I read the book, and at the end went back through my notes and highlighted everything that I knew I needed to work on...I'm going to be transparent here and list some of the things that I need to work on, just some examples:
I need to, not only be more faithful in seeking God daily through reading His word, but I also need to chart my daily progress and keep track of what God's been doing in my life, such as the prayers He has answered etc. I also need to be more patient in waiting on God's direction and timing. I need to be more humble where confessing my wrong is concerned. I lack humility in some ways, which I'm working on. I don't want to be an arrogant person, I'm actually not that arrogant. I just have pride...which is something God can help me overcome:)
If you have read this book, I'd encourage you to go back and find out what you need to work on. And if you haven't read this book, it's one that you should read! And if you do read it, do what I did and take notes! Trust me, it really helps. I have noticed change in a lot of areas of my life because I have been applying the skills in the book to my daily life. :)

1 comment:

  1. That book sounds so great! I can wait to go get this book great blog by the way. I bookmarked it soo ill keep up to date. (PI girl ilovegod489)
